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Welcome Panthers
Claggett Creek Entrance

Claggett Creek Panther News

Upcoming Events

On the Menu This Week

  • Bean and Cheese Enchiladas (v)
  • Cheese Pizza (v)
  • Pepperoni Pizza
  • Buffalo Chicken Pizza
  • Chicken Caesar Salad
  • Strawberry Banana Parfait (v)

Breakfast: Fruit Muffin and String Cheese (v)
Menu Details about Tuesday Meals

Program Highlights

News from ParentSquare

Safe Oregon


If you see or hear about bullying, violence, drugs, or harm to your school or a student either in-person or online, report a tip using SafeOregon.

SafeOregon is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They will send your anonymous tip to school employees and possibly law enforcement.

Si ve o escucha sobre acoso, violencia, drogas o daños a su escuela o un estudiante, ya sea en persona o en línea, informe un consejo usando SafeOregon. SafeOregon se monitorea las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, los 365 días del año. Enviarán su información anónima a los empleados de la escuela y posiblemente a la policía.